
Caring for a Hydroponic Garden

Caring for a Hydroponic Garden

Hydroponics is an innovative, efficient option for gardening, but just what is a hydroponic garden and how can you care for it properly? It is important to understand the basics of hydroponics before you dive in to your first plantings. What Is Hydroponics? At its simplest, hydroponics is gardening without using dirt as a growing medium. There are many advantages to this type of gardening, including… Year-round availability regardless of local climate or weather patterns Easy to do indoors if no land or outdoor garden is available Alternative in case soil is infertile or otherwise contaminated Growth rates 30-50 percent...

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Make the Most of Your Garden with Home Canning

Make the Most of Your Garden with Home Canning

The process of canning and preserving foods takes place for many reasons. For the gardener in all of us, home canning is a way to take all of the hard work that was done outside, and bring it inside. Canning allows us to extend the life of farm to table by ensuring you get the most out of your garden. Not only is canning and preserving economical, it’s also experimental because it makes us use foods and ingredients that might not be in the market or no longer in season.  While canning may seem like a new challenging task that...

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